lie effect on peach [Prunus persica (L) Batsch.]fimness during storage upas investigated for the following tree irrigation schedules: no irrigation, irrigation beginning at budbreak until October, and irrigation beginning at stage 111 of fruit growth until October. PeacheA (cv 'Cresthaven ' ) j-om the three tree irrigation schedules were harvested at two ripeness stages and were stored at 2C, 90% RH. Afrer 3 , 6. 9, 13, and 16 days qf'storage, peach$rmness was tested bv a modijied Effegi flesh probe test and drop impact tesi. From the flesh probe test, the bioyield force, nuximum force, and ela ytic rnodiilus were measured and from the drop impact test, the contact time. peak forcehime-to-peak force, and percentage of energy absorbed were measured None of these parameters were signijicantly affected by the tree irrigation schedides. Riper peaches were softer during the whole storage period. Less ripe peaches had more sariation in firmness parameters during storage. The average firmness of peaches changed only slightlv during the first nine days of storage, rhen Joftened quickly thereafter.