2010 39th International Conference on Parallel Processing 2010
DOI: 10.1109/icpp.2010.30
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Starling: Minimizing Communication Overhead in Virtualized Computing Platforms Using Decentralized Affinity-Aware Migration

Abstract: Virtualization is being widely used in large-scale computing environments, such as clouds, data centers, and grids, to provide application portability and facilitate resource multiplexing while retaining application isolation. In many existing virtualized platforms, it has been found that the network bandwidth often becomes the bottleneck resource, causing both high network contention and reduced performance for communication and data-intensive applications. In this paper, we present a decentralized affinity-a… Show more

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Cited by 104 publications
(58 citation statements)
References 31 publications
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“…Second, we consider the cost of VM migration, and ensure that the migration is completed in a timely manner, which are not considered in [7]. Sonnek et al [14] propose a technique that monitors network affinity between pairs of VMs and uses a distributed bartering algorithm coupled with migration to dynamically adjust VM placement such that communication overhead is minimized. Meng et al [13] consider heuristics for VM placement in a data center to optimize network traffic while minimizing the cost of VM migration.…”
Section: Network-aware Placement Of Vmsmentioning
confidence: 99%
“…Second, we consider the cost of VM migration, and ensure that the migration is completed in a timely manner, which are not considered in [7]. Sonnek et al [14] propose a technique that monitors network affinity between pairs of VMs and uses a distributed bartering algorithm coupled with migration to dynamically adjust VM placement such that communication overhead is minimized. Meng et al [13] consider heuristics for VM placement in a data center to optimize network traffic while minimizing the cost of VM migration.…”
Section: Network-aware Placement Of Vmsmentioning
confidence: 99%
“…From the results provided, one can conclude that the function value given by the Cluster-and-Cut algorithm is ⇠10% smaller than the measures obtained by the two benchmarks. Starling: Minimizing Communication Using Decentralized Affinity-Aware Migration: Sonnek et al [36] introduce a decentralized affinity-aware migration technique for allocating VMs on the available physical resources. The technique monitors the network affinity between the pairs of VMs and uses a distributed bartering algorithm together with VM migration in order to dynamically move VMs in a way that ensures that the communication overhead is minimized.…”
Section: A Network-aware Approachesmentioning
confidence: 99%
“…The goal of this paper is to see how the VMs can be optimally placed within a data center in a traffic-aware manner. Viewed from a traffic-aware perspective, the resource of bandwidth becomes a bottleneck in the higher layers of the network, decreasing the performance when it concerns communication [36] between the applications. This also increases the workload for the network elements on the aggregation and core layers, which, in turn, often results in higher power consumption within the data center [13], more greenhouse emissions, and the increased business costs.…”
confidence: 99%
“…Popular strategies such as replication may not work well on the cloud, because providers may take advantage of virtualization techniques [1][2][3][4][5] to concentrate some of (or all) the replicas in the same physical machine (PM). Recent research has explored affinities among virtual machines (VMs) to consolidate according to traffic [6,7] or memory pages [8,9], for example. We could think of a cluster of application servers responding to HTTP requests, or a remote storage service [10][11][12].…”
Section: Introductionmentioning
confidence: 99%