“…The complex Candida albicans-specific DNA fingerprinting probe Ca3 (Soll et al, 1987 ;Sadhu et al, 1991 ;Anderson et al, 1993) has been used in a broad range of epidemiological studies (Soll et al, 1987(Soll et al, , 1989Schmid et al, 1990Schmid et al, , 1993Schmid et al, , 1995Odds et al, 1990 ;Soll, 1993 ;Hellstein et al, 1993 ;Schroeppel et al, The GenBank accession numbers for the sequences reported in this paper are AF121119, AF121120, AF121121, AF121122, AF121123, AF121124 and AF121125. 1994 ; Lockhart et al, 1995Lockhart et al, , 1996Kleinegger et al, 1996 ;Pfaller et al, 1998 ;Marco et al, 1999 ;White et al, 1997, Lockhart et al, 1999. Its effectiveness has been verified in a comparison with multilocus enzyme electrophoresis and random amplified polymorphic DNA analysis (Pujol et al, 1997).…”