“…Another recent study detecting the level of 14 C in genomic DNA of microglia isolated from the human brain showed that 28% of human microglia, with an average life-span of 4.2 years, were renewed every year and most of which continued to do so indefinitely [47]. Using a multicolor fluorescent mapping [30,31,33,34]; Lower in human cerebral GM than WM [39] High [30,31]; Lower in CA3 than CA1 [21] High in CVOs [49] Average [30,31] or high [32]; Higher in SNr than VTA [65] Low [30,31,33,34]; Higher in cerebellar nuclei and granular layers [30,40]; Less CD68+ & MHCII+ in human cerebellum [38,39] Low [136,137] Morphology (ramification) High [33,34] High [33,34] Amoeboid [30,49,52] Higher in SNr than VTA [65] Low [33,34] Average; Cell smaller in dorsal horn [138] Molecular expression CX3CR1…”