“…One could see reviews on sports game prediction over the past two decades in Stekler et al (2010 and Horvat andJob (2020) (2020s). Regarding analytical approaches, machine learning techniques, statistical/econometric analysis, optimization methods, game theoretical attempts, and network science techniques are summoned to address the problem; a partial list of sports forecast models includes Markov models (e.g., on game outcome ( Strumbelj and Vracar, 2012) or shoot strategy (Sandholtz and Bornn, 2020)), state-space models (e.g., on game outcome (Manner, 2016) or player's hot hand (Mews and Otting, 2021)), synergy graph models (e.g., on game outcome (Liemhetcharat and Luo, 2015)), neural networks (e.g., on game outcome (Loeffelholz et al, 2009) or physical fitness evaluation (Yuan et al, 2021)), classification trees (e.g., on performance indicators (Zuccolotto et al, 2021(Zuccolotto et al, , 2023), and statistical regression models (e.g., on performance statistics (Song et al, 2018)) etc. Over the years, game prediction has become an active playground for data scientists from various expertise.…”