“…Other single‐author or single‐text articles concentrate their analysis on particular themes: class in Gwendolyn Brooks's Maud Martha (Leyda 2008), national culture and gender in Frances Hodgson Burnett's The Secret Garden (Morris 1996), race in Nella Larsen's Passing (Carter 2006) and in Toni Morrison's The Bluest Eye (McKittrick 2000), and sexuality in Brent Hartinger's Geography Club (Brown 2006). And there are genre studies, focusing, for example, on adventure stories (Hones 2006; Phillips 1995, 1997), ‘the place‐defining novel’, (Shortridge 1991), science fiction (Kadonaga 1995/1996; Kitchin and Kneale 2001, 2002; Kneale 1999, 2006), periodicals (Hones 1999, 2000), popular history (Hones and Endo 2006), and travel writing (Blunt 1994; Blunt and Rose 1994).…”