53The recovery of injured or lost sensory neurons after trauma, disease or aging is a major 54 scientific challenge. Upon hearing loss or balance disorder, regeneration of mechanosensory 55 hair cells has been observed in fish, some amphibians and under special circumstances in 56 birds, but is absent in adult mammals. In aquatic vertebrates, hair cells are not only present in 57 the inner ear but also in neuromasts of the lateral line system. The zebrafish lateral line 58 neuromast has an almost unlimited capacity to regenerate hair cells. This remarkable ability 59is possible due to the presence of neural stem/progenitor cells within neuromasts. In order to 60 further characterize these stem cells, we use the expression of the neural progenitor markers 61Sox2 and Sox3, transgenic reporter lines, and morphological and topological analysis of the 62 different cell types within the neuromast. We reveal new sub-populations of supporting cells, 63 the sustentacular supporting cells and the neuromast stem cells. In addition, using loss-of-64 function and mutants of sox2 and sox3, we find that the combined activity of both genes is 65 essential for lateral line development and regeneration. The capability of sox2/sox3 expressing 66 stem cells to produce new hair cells, hair cell-precursors, and supporting cells after damage 67 was analyzed in detail by time-lapse microscopy and immunofluorescence. We are able to 68 provide evidence that sox2/3 expressing cells are the main contributors to the regenerated 69 neuromast, and that their daughter cells are able to differentiate into most cell types of the 70 neuromast.