“…3) bio-cognitive (considers cognition as a biological function and / or process in living system) (Maturana, 1970;Tardiff et al, 2017); 4) evolutionary-epistemological (provides an evolutionary explanation for cognitive phenomena and processes on the basis of universal evolutionism, in particular using the modern theory of complexity) (Onuf, 2016;Sanjeev &Boaz, 2009); 5) constructive-realistic (recognizes the existence of objective reality, but defends the interpretative nature of cognition) (De Gruyter, 2018); 6) embodied (postulates that we get to know not only through the brain, but by our whole being) (Abrahamson, Lindgren, 2014);https://dx.doi.org/10.15405/epsbs.2018.09.02.55 Corresponding Author: Natalia N. Naydenova Selection and peer-review under responsibility of the Organizing Committee of the conference eISSN: 2357-1330 476 7) activate (consciousness is represented as immanent activity) (Knyazeva, 2014;Varela, Thompson, Rosch, 1971;Reid, Mgombelo, 2015); 8) personal (there is no objective knowledge, any knowledge belongs to the subject) (Roth, 2012;Dennett, 2005); 9) interactive (social interaction as interpersonal symbolic communication, that is, a person's ability to "take the role of another" and construct his own reality) (Hałas, 2008); 10) neuro-phenomenological (based on self-observation and analysis of subjective experience) (Thompson, 2006); 11) neuro-constructive (mental development is understood as the construction into the brain of neural systems that ensure the active interaction of the subject with the environment) (Mareschal et al, 2007;Trautmann, 2014); 12) non-dual (denial of the dualism of consciousness and peace, promotion of convergence theories of the physical and mental) (Riegler, Weber, 2013); 13) personality-constructive (it is believed that the constructs are invented by the person himself for the organization of subjective experience) (Kelly, 1955); 14) radical-constructive (objective reality is impossible, man as a cognizing being is infinitely lonely) (Glazersfeld, 2001); 15) social-constructive (studies the processes of socio-psychological construction of social reality in human activity) (Berger &Lukman, 1995;Matuszek, 2014); 16) constructional (considers the formation of social constructs in collective and group social processes) (Gergen, 2003;Pinch & Wiebe, 1984); 17) interpretative (understanding is based o...…”