“…Tiiese may mciude conflict with reiigious doctrme, anxiehes ai>out the donor, and concerns about aduitery and other morai, iegai and personai issues (Rubm 1965, Ledward et al 1979, Creighton 1985, Poteet & Lamar 1986 In addihon, many coupies prefer, or are encouraged to mamtam secrecy about then-treatment (Czyba & Chevret 1979, Snowden 1985 The mamtenance of such secrecy may be a further source of stress for tiian and may tum their treatment mto a burden Smce psychoiogicai factors may themseives influence fertiiity (Cabau & de Senardens 1986, Seibei & Taymor 1982, it IS possibie tiiat the added stresses of choosing and undergoing AID may have an efifect on the outcome Artifiaal insemination may only i>e successfui after many months of treatment and the reasons for this are not ciear A numijer of factors may ije responsibie, but it is possibie that stress is one of them Aitemahveiy, it is possibie that those who opt for AID are those who are sufi&aentiy robust psychoiogicaiiy to cope with the treatment Further research into the roie of psychoiogicai fadors m uifertiiity has h>een recommended (Daniiuic 1988, Daniiuic et al 1985 Emotional state…”