“…The sample consists of 47210 respondents nested within 392 regions. 8 This level of aggregation is suitable for the analysis in this paper, since arguments referring to patterns of attitudes and behavior prevalent within ''communities'' are typically tested at the levels of regions or states (Marsh, 2000;Putnam, 1993Putnam, , 2000. The variables used at the individual and regional levels are generated from the World Values Study, while the country-level variables come from the World Development Indicators 2001 report, 9 Polity IV Project Political Regime Characteristics andTransitions, 1800-2002, 10 The World Values Survey contains a battery of questions referring to the acceptability of certain types of public good related behavior, such as claiming government benefits to which people are not entitled, avoiding a fare on public transport and cheating on taxes, as well as questions on the acceptability of various ''private conscience'' issues, such as homosexuality, divorce, prostitution, suicide and euthanasia.…”