Introduction: Bothrops and Bothropoides snakes cause 70% of the ophidic accidents in Brazil. The species that cause ophidic accidents in State of Paraíba are Bothropoides erythromelas, Bothrops leucurus and Bothropoides neuwiedi. Methods: This is a prospective and transverse study, following a quantitative approach of accidents involving Bothrops and Bothropoides admitted to the Toxicological Assistance and Information Centers of Campina Grande and João Pessoa (Ceatox-CG and Ceatox-JP), aimed at identifying the epidemiological and clinical profile of such accidents. All of the patients admitted had medical diagnoses and were monitored at Ceatox-CG or Ceatox-JP. Results: The genera Bothrops and Bothropoides caused 91.7% of the ophidic accidents reported. Snake bites were frequent in men (75.1%), rural workers (65.1%), literate individuals (69%) between 11 and 20 years-old (21.7%), and toes the most common area attacked (52.7%). Most (86.6%) patients were admitted within 6 hours after the accident/bite, with a predominance of mild cases (64.6%). The annual occurrence in Paraíba was 5.5 accidents/100,000 inhabitants and lethality was 0.2%. Conclusions: Positive changes in the profiles of these accidents were verified, such as the non-application of inadequate solutions, including the use of tourniquet, coffee grounds, garlic, suction and/or cutting the bitten area. Moreover, the Itinerant Laboratory project, linked to Paraíba State University in partnership with Ceatox-CG, has contributed positively, providing several cities of the state with information regarding the prevention of accidents involving venomous animals. The local press has also contributed, reporting the educational work developed by the centers. Key-words: Bothrops. Bothropoides. Ophidic accident. Epidemiology. Serotherapy.
RESUMO Introdução:As serpentes Bothrops e Bothropoides são responsáveis por 70% dos acidentes ofídicos ocorridos no Brasil. As espécies causadoras de acidentes na Paraíba são Bothropoides erythromelas, Bothrops leucurus e Bothropoides neuwiedi. Métodos: Tratou-se de um estudo prospectivo e transversal, com abordagem quantitativa dos acidentes botrópicos e botropóidicos atendidos e registrados pelos Centros de Assistência e Informação Toxicológica de Campina Grande e João Pessoa (Ceatox-CG e Ceatox-JP), com o objetivo de conhecer o perfil epidemiológico e clínico deste agravo. Todos os pacientes atendidos tiveram diagnóstico médico e acompanhamento pelos Ceatox CG e JP. Resultados: Os gêneros Bothrops e Bothropoides foram responsáveis por 91,7% dos acidentes ofídicos notificados. Atingindo frequentemente o sexo masculino (75,1%), trabalhadores rurais (65,1%), alfabetizados (69%) e na faixa etária entre 11 a 20 anos (21,7%), os dedos dos pés foram as regiões anatômicas mais acometidas (52,7%). A maioria (86,6%) dos pacientes foi atendida em até 6 horas após o acidente/picada com predominância de casos leves (64,6%). A incidência anual no estado foi 5,5 acidentes/100.000 habitantes e a letalidade 0,2%. Conclusões: Verificar...