“…To date, we have explored a number of venom proteomes of medically relevant vipers (Table 4.2) from different regions of different continents (Fig. 4.3) (Alape-Girón et al, 2008;Angulo et al, 2008;Bazaa et al, 2005;Calvete et al, 2007bCalvete et al, , c, 2009bGutiérrez et al, 2008;Juárez et al, 2004Juárez et al, , 2006Lomonte et al, 2008;Núñez et al, 2009;Sanz et al, 2006Sanz et al, , 2008aTashima et al, 2008;Wagstaff et al, 2009). A few other laboratories have also reported qualitative proteomic studies on several venoms, including those from the European vipers, Vipera ammodytes ammodytes and Vipera ammodytes meridionalis (Georgieva et al, 2008), Vipera aspis (Ferquel et al, 2007), Asian Daboia russelli siamensis (Risch et al, 2009), Amazonian Bothrops atrox (Guércio et al, 2006), and Brazilian Bothrops jararaca (Fox et al, 2006) and Bothrops insularis (Valente et al, 2009).…”