Vascular smooth muscle (VSM) maturation is developmentally regulated and differs between vascular beds. The maturation and contribution of VSM function to tissue blood flow and blood pressure regulation during early gestation are unknown. The carotid artery (CA) contributes to fetal cerebral blood flow regulation and well being. We studied CA VSM contractility, protein contents, and phenotype beginning in the midthird of ovine development. CAs were collected from early (88 -101 day of gestation) and late (138 -150 day; term ϭ day 150) fetal (n ϭ 14), newborn (6 -8 day old; n ϭ 7), and adult (n ϭ 5) sheep to measure forces in endothelium-denuded rings with KCl, phenylephrine, and ANG II; changes in cellular proteins, including total and soluble protein, actin and myosin, myosin heavy chain isoforms (MHC), filamin, and proliferating cell nuclear antigen; and vascular remodeling. KCl and phenylephrine elicited age-and dose-dependent contraction responses (P Ͻ 0.001) at all ages except early fetal, which were unresponsive. In contrast, ANG II elicited dose responses only in adults, with contractility increasing greater than fivefold vs. that shown in fetal or neonatal animals (P Ͻ 0.001). Increased contractility paralleled age-dependent increases (P Ͻ 0.01) in soluble protein, actin and myosin, filamin, adult smooth muscle MHC-2 (SM2) and medial wall thickness and reciprocal decreases (P Ͻ 0.001) in nonmuscle MHC-B, proliferating cell nuclear antigen and medial cellular density. VSM nonreceptor-and receptor-mediated contractions are absent or markedly attenuated in midgestation and increase age dependently, paralleling the transition from synthetic to contractile VSM phenotype and, in the case of ANG II, paralleling the switch to the AT1 receptor. The mechanisms regulating VSM maturation and thus blood pressure and tissue perfusion in early development remain to be determined. myosin heavy chain isoforms; nonmuscle myosin; fetal development; receptor and nonreceptor function; smooth muscle growth; angiotensin II SMOOTH MUSCLE DEVELOPMENT normally proceeds in a wellorchestrated manner before and after birth (5,6,11,14,41,53). These changes occur in three phases: cellular differentiation, functional maturation, and growth (42). During differentiation, progenitor cells derived from the mesenchyme are transformed into immature smooth muscle cells (SMC) localized to either visceral or vascular sites. The subsequent maturational changes result in developmentally regulated improvements in specific organ or vascular function essential for the well being and growth of the developing fetus and newborn. For example, functional maturation of the ovine bladder and umbilical artery smooth muscle occurs early in development (4, 6). The former is required for maintenance of fetal fluid balance and establishment of amniotic fluid volume, which permit normal lung development. The latter is essential in the regulation of fetal oxygen and nutrient uptake from the maternal placental circulation and probably blood pressure (4, 32). In co...