We introduce the fiber-full scheme which can be seen as the parameter space that generalizes the Hilbert and Quot schemes by controlling the entire cohomological data. The fiber-full scheme Fib h F/X/S is a fine moduli space parametrizing all quotients G of a fixed coherent sheaf F on a projective morphism f :, where h = (h 0 , . . . , h r ) : Z r+1 → N r+1 is a fixed tuple of functions. In other words, the fiber-full scheme controls the dimension of all cohomologies of all possible twistings, instead of just the Hilbert polynomial. We show that the fiber-full scheme is a quasi-projective S-scheme and a locally closed subscheme of its corresponding Quot scheme. In the context of applications, we demonstrate that the fiber-full scheme provides the natural parameter space for arithmetically Cohen-Macaulay and arithmetically Gorenstein schemes with fixed cohomological data, and for square-free Gröbner degenerations.