ALGO-LITTLE is an EU-funded project, with partners from Portugal, Italy, Turkey and Slovenia, searching for ways to integrate Algorithmic Thinking skills into preschool education for the purpose of preparing future code literates starting from an early age. Algorithmic Thinking stems from the concept of an algorithm, which refers to solving a problem by developing a set of steps taken in a sequence to achieve the desired outcome. The concept can be traced to the work of Papert and is connected to the seminal article by Wing that introduced Computational Thinking. Early Childhood Education algorithmic skills include abilities to learn and work according to the rules or models since children are capable of understanding, using, applying and developing simple algorithms. The paper analyses initiatives, studies, and projects that are connected to Algorithmic Thinking in Early Childhood Education in Portugal. In terms of curricular documents, it was found that code has been relevant for Portuguese Early Childhood Education (at least) since 1997. In 2016, the Portuguese Curricular Guidelines for Preschool Education (PCGPSE) were reviewed and this second version amplifies the mentions to technology. In terms of studies and projects, the "Kids Media Lab Project II" stood out as the only systematic initiative for promoting Computational Thinking in Preschool Education.