The enhanced performance of hybrids though heterosis remains a key aspect in plant breeding; nonetheless, the transcriptomic and epigenomic mechanisms behind it are still not fully elucidated. In the present study, gene expression, small RNA abundance and genome-wide methylation patterns were evaluated in hybrids from two distant Brassica napus ecotypes during seed and seedling developmental stages using next generation sequencing technologies. A total of 71217, 773, 79518 and 31825 differentially expressed genes, microRNAs, small interfering RNAs and differentially methylated regions were identified respectively. Approximately 70% of the differential expression and methylation patterns observed could be explained due to parental dominance levels. Reproductive, developmental, and meiotic gene copies following transgressive and paternal dominance patterns were found through gene ontology enrichment and microRNA-target association analyses. Interestingly, maternal dominance was more prominent in hypermethylated and downregulated features during seed formation which contrasts strikingly with the general maternal gamete demethylation occurring during gametogenesis in most plant species. Linkages between methylation and gene expression allowed the identification of putative genetic epialleles with diverse pivotal biological functions. Furthermore, most differentially methylated regions, differentially expressed siRNAs and transposable elements were found near gene flanking regions that had no differential expression, hence, indicating their potential role in conserving essential genomic and transcriptomic loci across the parents and offspring.