“…Optical mirrors [34,35], [43], [47], [49], [51] [39] [ 36], [40], [48] [ 37], [45,46], [50], [52] Structure from motion [55], [57], [59][60][61] [ 53,54], [63], [66,67], [69][70][71] [56], [58], [62], [64,65], [68], [72,73] Laser projection [77,78], [80] [74-76] Close range photogrammetry [87] [ [88][89][90] range of applications in visual tracking, pose estimation and robot navigation. The method based on laser projection can theoretically work in a large range, but it is difficult to obtain high calibration accuracy because the image quality of the spot or the light plane decays as the work distance increases.…”