The dynamical spin susceptibility in the new-structure-type iron-based superconductor CaKFe 4 As 4 was investigated by using a combination of inelastic neutron scattering (INS) measurements and random phase approximation (RPA) calculations. Powder INS measurements show that the spin resonance at Q res = 1.17(1) Å −1 , corresponding to the (π, π) nesting wave vector in tetragonal notation, evolves below T c . The characteristic energy of the spin resonance E res = 12.5 meV is smaller than twice the size of the superconducting gap (2∆). The broad energy feature of the dynamical susceptibility of the spin resonance can be explained by the RPA calculations, in which the different superconducting gaps on different Fermi surfaces are taken into account. Our INS and PRA studies demonstrate that the superconducting pairing nature in CaKFe 4 As 4 is the s ± symmetry.Various iron-based superconducting materials with different crystal structures have been investigated to transcend our understanding of the nature of their pairing mechanism, [1][2][3][4] as the crystal structure is believed to have a strong relationship with the superconducting transition temperature T c . 5,6) Recently, new-structure-type iron-based superconducting materials AeAFe 4 As 4 (where Ae = Ca, Sr, or Eu and A = K, Rb, or Cs) were reported.
7-9)The AeAFe 4 As 4 family exhibits T c = 32-37 K, which is relatively high compared with other stoichiometric iron-based superconductors. [10][11][12][13][14] As Ae and A layers stack alternatively between Fe 2 As 2 layers owing to the large difference between their ionic radii, AeAFe 4 As 4 belongs to the P4/mmm space group, which is different from I4/mmm in hole-doped (Ba 1−x K x )Fe 2 As 2 systems. 7, 15) AeAFe 4 As 4 has high T c at stochiometric composition and a unique crystal structure, providing us with a great opportunity to theoretically and experimentally investigate iron-based superconductivity in the absence of substitutional disorder.CaKFe 4 As 4 undergoes superconductivity below T c ≃ 35 K without other phase transitions for 1.8 ≤ T ≤ 300 K. [15][16][17] The magnetic ground state of the normal state in CaKFe 4 As 4 is paramagnetic. 16,18) Various measurements 15,16,[18][19][20][21] indicated that CaKFe 4 As 4 shows behaviors similar to optimally or slightly overdoped (Ba 1−x K x )Fe 2 As 2 . Angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy (ARPES) measurements supported by density functional theory calculations indicated that the Fermi surface consists of three-hole pockets at the Γ point and two electron pockets at the M point. 22,23) This multiband nature implies multi-gap superconductivity in CaKFe 4 As 4 . Two superconducting gaps which are nodeless and isotropic were, indeed, observed by scanning tunneling microscopy, 20) optical conductivity, 24) penetration depth, 21) muon spin rota- * k tion, 18) and 75 As nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) 25) measurements. The largest superconducting gaps (∆ hole = 13 meV and ∆ electron = 12 meV) for quasi-two-dimensional hole and electron p...