“…They include: aunt (Frias & Erviti, 2014), girlfriend (Chavez Ayala et al, 2009), teacher, mother, stepmother, and prostitute (Frias & Erviti, 2014). Most studies of adult sexual assault against MSM, particularly in LMIC, identify male perpetrators (Aho et al, 2014; Dunkle, Jewkes, et al, 2013; Dunkle, Wong, et al, 2013; Sabido et al, 2015); however, one study of gay and bisexual men in the USA reported that bisexual men had more female perpetrators of sexual assault than their gay counterparts (Hequembourg et al, 2015). Taken together, this literature suggests that future studies of childhood and adulthood sexual violence should assess the gender of the perpetrator so that prevention and treatment programs for sexual violence victimization can take into account gender-based characteristics of the perpetrators.…”