Human hantavirus infections can cause hemorrhagic fever with renal syndrome (HFRS), major signs of the disease being thrombocytopenia and transient kidney dysfunction. By a comprehensive and longitudinal study of circulating B cells, we demonstrate that these two pathologies associate with distinct effects on the humoral immune system during HFRS. Low thrombocyte counts strongly associated with an abnormal frequency of plasmablasts in circulation, whereas kidney dysfunction was indicative of an accumulation of CD27 -B cells and plasmablasts. Finally, we provide evidence that high levels of extracellular ATP in circulation during HFRS correlates with shedding of surface CD27 on B cells via a metallomatrix proteinase-8-mediated mechanism. Since extracellular ATP is known to regulate kidney function, our study reveals a link between kidney dysfunction and the generation of CD27 -IgD -B cells, and a potential molecular target for treatment of the symptomatic phase of HFRS. Dobrava, Seol and Puumala (PUUV) strains, where PUUV is endemic to Scandinavia. To date, no efficacious treatment or vaccination regimen exists to protect against severe hantavirus infections.Well controlled human studies have shown that hantavirus infections cause aberrant activation of both innate and adaptive immunity (5)(6)(7)(8). A potent antiviral IgG-response is associated with protection from severe disease during both HPS and HFRS (9-12) and passive transfer of serum antibodies could reduce case fatality rate in a small cohort of HPS patients (13). These findings clearly demonstrate that activation of the humoral immune system and subsequent elicitation of antiviral antibodies play a central role in the control of viremia and/or pathogenesis during hantavirus infections.A recent study of HPS demonstrated that very high levels of plasmablasts (PBs) and CD27 -IgD -B cells were detected in circulation of patients (14). The rapid and extensive PB-response is similar to that reported during acute dengue virus infection and contrasts to the comparably moderate levels of PBs that are found in circulation during influenza infection or after influenza vaccination (15). An expansion of the CD27 -IgD -B cell subset has previously been shown for numerous inflammatory and infectious diseases, as well as during ageing and cancer (16-21), yet their functional role in humoral immunity remains undetermined. The CD27 -IgD -B cells resemble memory B cells, have isotype switched and hypermutated B cell receptors and therefore likely originate from T cell-dependent germinal center reactions in secondary lymphoid organs (16, 20). In systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE), an expanded population of CD27 -IgD -B cells was associated with the manifestation of nephritis in patients (16). This suggests that their detection in blood may be linked to reduced kidney function, but the cause for their expansion remains to be determined.During HFRS-causing hantavirus infections, reduced kidney function occurs independently of the induced thrombocytopenia (22, 23). We therefor...