“…DOI 10.1002/em well as metabolic homeostasis. In this regard, the Ser326Cys mutation has been associated with human lung squamous cell carcinomas [Lu et al, 1997;Chevillard et al, 1998;Sugimura et al, 1999;Wikman et al, 2000;Le Marchand et al, 2002;Paz-Elizur et al, 2003;Okasaka et al, 2009], orolaryngeal [Elahi et al, 2002], esophageal [Xing et al, 2001], kidney [Chevillard et al, 1998;Audebert et al, 2000Audebert et al, , 2002, and gastric cancers [Farinati et al, 2008]. Recently, two studies have also reported an association between the Ser326Cys mutation and increased body mass index and susceptibility to Type II diabetes [Daimon et al, 2009;Thameem et al, 2010].…”