“…Additionally, work on classic auditory evoked responses (using simple synthesized stimuli) such as the mismatch negativity (Caclin et al, 2006;Giard et al, 1995;Rosburg, 2003), N1 (Näätänen & Picton, 1987) and M100 response (Roberts, Ferrari, Stufflebeam, & Poeppel, 2000) indicate that the auditory system is sensitive to specific acoustic qualities (e.g., spectral and temporal envelopes, noisiness, spectral variability). The manner by which acoustic features might influence early, time varying neural representations of natural sounds remains largely unexplored despite extensive examination via other methods such as fMRI (Spectral Centroid: Alluri et al, 2012;Giordano, McAdams, Zatorre, Kriegeskorte, & Belin, 2012;Allen, Burton, Olman, & Oxenham, 2017;Spectral Flatness: Alluri et al, 2012, Lewis, Talkington, Tallaksen, & Frum, 2012Spectral Envelope: Warren, Jennings, & Griffiths, 2005;Ogg, Moraczewski, Kuchinsky, & Slevc, 2019;Noisiness: Giordano et al, 2012;Lewis et al, 2009;Fundamental Frequency: Giordano et al, 2012, Allen et al, 2017Patterson, Uppenkamp, Johnsrude, & Griffiths, 2002;Attack Time: Menon et al, 2002;Loudness: Giordano et al, 2012;Langers, van Dijk, Schoenmaker, & Backes, 2007;Spectrotemporal Modulation: Norman-Haignere, Kanwisher, & McDermott, 2015;Schönwiesner & Zatorre, 2009) and ECoG (Hullett, Hamilton, Mesgarani, Schreiner, & Chang, 2016).…”