“…As a consequence of reduced testosterone concentrations, testis and prostate volumes are reduced and semen quality is significantly affected with an arrest of spermatogenesis with development not occurring beyond the spermatogonia/spermatocyte stages. Although the available product containing deslorelin is licensed for the temporary suppression of fertility in adult and intact male dogs and male ferrets only (Ema, 2012) and all above described effects are well-known to occur (Trigg et al, 2001;Junaidi et al, 2003Junaidi et al, , 2007Junaidi et al, , 2009aSchoemaker et al, 2008;Romagnoli et al, 2012;Van Zeeland et al, 2014). Offlabel use of sustained released GnRH agonist implants has been effective for temporary hormonal castration in tom cats (Goericke-Pesch et al, 2011a, 2013b, 2014Novotny et al, 2012), boars (Kauffold et al, 2010), and also in model animals such as rats (Grosset et al, 2012;Edwards et al, 2013) or (captive) wildlife animals such as coyotes (Mac Gregor et al, 2013), red pandas (Koeppel et al, 2014), sea otters (Larson et al, 2013) and cheetahs (Bertschinger et al, 2006).…”