Original scientific paperInternet of things as a market, and the number of connected devices in particular is growing very rapidly. Currently, application owners deploy new devices for each application that needs the data. As the number of sensors increases, it will become much more practical to reuse existing sensors for new applications than to deploy new ones. But the problem is that the application owner needs to agree with device owners on conditions under which will the data be made available to applications. Doing this manually is very expensive both in terms of money and time. We implemented a system that does this automatically using negotiating agents. The system was tested on simulated environments and showed that it can mediate between devices and applications with reasonable performance.
Key words: Internet of things, Negotiation, Software AgentsPregovaranje u Internetu stvari. Internet stvari kao tržište, a posebno broj spojenih ure aja, raste vrlo brzo. Danas vlasnici aplikacija postavljaju nove ure aje za svaku aplikaciju kojoj su potrebni podatci. Kako se povećava broj senzora u upotrebi, postaje sve praktičnije koristiti postojeće senzore nego postavljati nove. Problem predstavljačinjenica da se vlasnik aplikacije mora dogovoriti s vlasnicima ure aja o uvjetima pod kojimaće aplikacijama biti dozvoljeno dohvaćanje izmjerenih vrijednosti. Pojedinačno je dogovaranje izme u vlasnika za svaki ure aj skupo i sporo. Izgradili smo sustav koji automatizira ovaj proces pomoću programskih agenata koji pregovaraju. Sustav je ispitan na simuliranom okruženju i pokazuje da može posredovati izme u ure aja i aplikacija s razumnim performansama.