“…Developing greater knowledge of the specific characteristics and needs of suicidal persons has been suggested as a way to enhance current understandings of the relationship between suicidality and its treatment, with the long term goal of improving treatment outcomes (Brook et al, 2006;Pirkis et al, 2000). Evidence suggests, for example, that suicidal persons can be clearly distinguished from the general population of health care users, as they are often burdened by a greater range of both chronic physical and mental health problems (Taylor et al, 2007) and seek treatment from multiple sources (Deisenhammer et al, 2007;Meadows et al, 2001;Parslow and Jorm, 2001;Pirkis et al, 2001;Taylor et al, 2007). Research also indicates that suicide attempters who actively seek treatment are more likely to be female (Luoma et al, 2002; and use methods such as poisoning or drug overdosing (Howson et al, 2008).…”