“…To perform tasks in various confined spaces for a wide range of applications, such as exploration of unknown caves, search and rescue in a building on fire or under collapsed structures, and detection of chemical or radiation leakages in related plants, tailless FWMAVs are becoming a popular trend for research Cobb, 2012, 2014;Deng et al, 2006a;Deng et al, 2006b;Doman and Oppenhermer, 2009;Finio et al, 2009;Hoang et al, 2017;Keennon et al, 2012;Mukherjee and Ganguli, 2010;Nguyen and Chan, 2019;Oppenheimer et al, 2011;Roshanbin et al, 2017;Wood, 2007Wood, , 2008, since they have great potential for miniaturization. To achieve lifting, propulsion, and steering simply via wing flapping with the concept illustrated in Figure 1 (Baek et al, 2009;Bejgerowski et al, 2009;De Croon et al, 2009;Hines et al, 2013;Hsu et al, 2010;Lau et al, 2014;Madangopal et al, 2005;Tsai and Fu, 2009), piezoelectric actuators (Arabagi et al, 2012;Cox et al, 2002;Mateti et al, 2013;Mukherjee and Ganguli, 2010;Peng et al, 2017;Syaifuddin et al, 2006;Wood, 2007), electromagnetic actuators (Bontemps et al, 2012;Meng et al, 2012;Zou et al, 2016), dielectric elastomer actuators (Lau et al, 2014;Zdunich et al, 2007), electrostatic actuators (Suzuki et al, 1994;Yan et al, 2015), and electroactive membranes…”