DOI: 10.1111/gbi.12179
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Selective zircon accumulation in a new benthic foraminifer, Psammophaga zirconia, sp. nov.

Abstract: Benthic foraminifera are single-celled eukaryotes that make a protective organic, agglutinated or calcareous test. Some agglutinated, single-chambered taxa, including Psammophaga Arnold, 1982, retain mineral particles in their cytoplasm, but the selective mechanism of accumulation is not clear. Here, we report the ability of a foraminiferal species to select and accumulate zircons and other heavy minerals in their cytoplasm. In particular, the use of Scanning Electron Microscope coupled with an Energy Dispersi… Show more

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Cited by 15 publications
(16 citation statements)
References 50 publications
(103 reference statements)
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“…The mineral composition and sizes of grains in microfossils from the Taishir, Kakontwe and Rasthof formations, while offering little evidence to support formation of authigenic minerals around siliceous or organic‐rich walls, are consistent with those of modern agglutinating testate organisms. Modern examples of agglutinating microbes actively collect and select for specific types of mineral grains from the sediment and cement them together with silica, calcite or organic cements (Armynot du Châtelet, Guillot, Recourt, Ventalon, & Tribovillard, ; Nikolaev et al., ; Sabbatini et al., ; Šatkauskienė, ; Vohník et al., ). These organomineral associations have a high preservation potential because they retain both detrital grains and the organic component, and acquire a stronger signal of diagenetic quartz over time (McNeil et al., ).…”
Section: Discussionmentioning
confidence: 99%
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“…The mineral composition and sizes of grains in microfossils from the Taishir, Kakontwe and Rasthof formations, while offering little evidence to support formation of authigenic minerals around siliceous or organic‐rich walls, are consistent with those of modern agglutinating testate organisms. Modern examples of agglutinating microbes actively collect and select for specific types of mineral grains from the sediment and cement them together with silica, calcite or organic cements (Armynot du Châtelet, Guillot, Recourt, Ventalon, & Tribovillard, ; Nikolaev et al., ; Sabbatini et al., ; Šatkauskienė, ; Vohník et al., ). These organomineral associations have a high preservation potential because they retain both detrital grains and the organic component, and acquire a stronger signal of diagenetic quartz over time (McNeil et al., ).…”
Section: Discussionmentioning
confidence: 99%
“…Some of these are flat, micaceous grains with uniform sizes within a given organism (Armynot du Châtelet et al., ; Šatkauskienė, ). In fact, some modern lobose amoebae and foraminifera select for minerals that comprise only a small fraction of the bulk sediment, and may concentrate minerals such as zircons, ilmenite and titanium (Armynot du Châtelet et al., , ; Makled & Langer, ; Sabbatini et al., ). The large concentrations of minerals in tests relative to the surrounding micrite or the microbial laminae (cf.…”
Section: Discussionmentioning
confidence: 99%
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“…Some small monothalamids, notably flask-shaped saccamminids in the genus Psammophaga , also collect heavy minerals (magnetite, titaniferous magnetite, ilmenite, rutile, zircon, among others) within their cytoplasm 27 29 . Since the crystals are generally concentrated inside the aperture, it is possible that they serve to ballast this end of the test so that the aperture is directed towards the sediment 30 .…”
Section: Discussionmentioning
confidence: 99%
“…В последнее десятилетие появилась информация о селективной способности мягкораковинных фораминифер рода Psammophaga Arnold, 1982 аккумулировать в цитоплазме клетки кристаллы определенных минералов (магнетита, титаномагнетита и циркона). В мелководных донных отложениях западной Антарктики обнаружены два вида рода Psammophaga, несущих в своей цитоплазме кристаллы магнетита и титаномагнетита (Pawlowski et al, 2011), а в Адриатическом море -один вид с включением в цитоплазме кристаллов циркона (51%) и окиси титана (27%) (Sabbatini et al, 2016). Подобные находки послужили основанием для названий новых видов, описанных указанными авторами: Psammophaga magnetica Pawlowski et Majewski, 2011и P. zirconia Sabbatini et al, 2016, и уточнена видовая принадлежность Allogromia crystallifera Dahlgren, 1962как P. crystallifera (Dahlgren, 1962.…”
Section: история изучения и современное состояние систематики мягкораковинных фораминиферunclassified