“…The most distinguishing features of tests described here include blunt or curved edges or tear shapes. Indeed, round, spherical, ovoid and tear‐shaped morphologies are present in some modern lobose testate amoebae, including species of the group Arcellinida (Amoebozoa) such as Heleoperidae, Plagiopyxidae and Difflugidae (Bosak, Lahr et al., ; Bosak, Macdonald et al., ; Gomaa, Todorov, Heger, Mitchell, & Lara, ; Gomaa et al., ; Lahr & Lopes, , 2009; Vohník et al., ) as well as in some modern agglutinating foraminifera, such as saccamminids and psammosphaerids (Gooday et al., , ; Ohkawara et al., ; Rodrigues et al., ; Sabbatini et al., ). A new morphology is also present in these microfossil assemblages: round structures with concave edges, which suggest intentional formation by an organism.…”