The ridge structure with AE~= +30 keV, recently observed in the reaction 187 MeV Cl+ Sn and attributed to a hyperdeformed nuclear shape, has been con6rmed in a new proton-p coincidence experiment and assigned to the Dy nucleus. Estimates of the cross section for the population of the 30 keV ridge and for the associated entry states have been obtained. The proton spectra in coincidence with p rays of diferent Dy isotopes show e8'ects related to the exit channel and to the angular momentum but they are scarcely sensitive to the selection of different shapes (oblate, normal deformed prolate, superdeformed) in the same residual nucleus Dy. The energy of the protons in coincidence with the AE~= +30 keV ridge is however larger than expected. This eKect is discussed in the framework of the fission-evaporation competition. PACS number(s): 27.70. +q, 21.10.Re, 25.70.Gh 157