We show that an unambiguous way of determining the universal limiting fragmentation region is to consider the derivative ͑d 2 n / d 2 ͒ of the pseudorapidity distribution per participant pair. In addition, we find that the transition region between the fragmentation and the central plateau regions exhibits a second kind of universal behavior that is only apparent in d 2 n / d 2 . The ͱ s dependence of the height of the central plateau ͑dn / d͒ =0 and the total charged particle multiplicity n total critically depend on the behavior of this universal transition curve. Analyzing available Relativistic Heavy-Ion Collider (RHIC) data, we show that ͑dn / d͒ =0 can be bounded by ln 2 s and n total can be bounded by ln 3 s. We also show that the deuteron-gold data from RHIC has exactly the same features as the gold-gold data indicating that these universal behaviors are a feature of the initial state parton-nucleus interactions and not a consequence of final state interactions. Predictions for LHC energy are also given.