“…Regarding (V) the number of considered distortions, existing studies consider at most 50 coding configurations, at the exception of Dejean-servieres et al [10]. This is because some studies only compare themselves to HEVC test Model (HM) or VVC Test Model (VTM) with few Quantization Parameter (QP) after proposing a new method to reach better tradeoffs between vision task performance and bitrate [14]- [17], [19], [25], [26]. Some papers also evaluate DNN resilience to JPEG/JPEG2000 compression [10], [12], [15], [18], [21], [24], [27], [28], [30], AVC [1], [31] or auto-encoders [18], [26], [27], but no paper consider all mentioned image and video codec generations in a unified framework (II).…”