We consider mobile crowdsensing campaigns that are practiced in the emerging data collection in femtocell networks, which are effective in improving the capacity and coverage of communication users. One of the challenging issues is how to allocate the transmission power and reduce the cross‐tier and co‐tier interferences among users. This paper proposes a Stackelberg game to characterize the actions of macrocell and femtocell users. In the game, the macrocell user is seen as the leader, whereas the femtocell users are seen as the followers. For the macrocell, it aims at maximizing the leader's profit with the constraint of the maximum tolerable interference. The femtocell users attempt to maximize the followers' profit in the network system with consideration of performance guarantee in the aspects of packet delivery rate and time delay, which are modeled as probability constraints. Spectrum sharing is assumed among the macrocell and femtocells. The uncertain channel state information is considered in the formulated problem, and the probability threshold method is utilized to convert the uncertain constraints into tractable ones. Furthermore, a power control and price bargaining algorithm is derived to get the practical operation. Finally, numerical results validate the performances of the proposed scheme in the aspects of convergence, utility of uses, and power consumption.