The eubacterium Thermus thermophilus uses a macromolecular assembly closely related to eukaryotic V-ATPase to produce its supply of ATP. This simplified V-ATPase offers several advantages over eukaryotic V-ATPases for structural analysis and investigation of the mechanism of the enzyme. Here we report the structure of the complex at ∼16 Å resolution as determined by single particle electron cryomicroscopy (cryo-EM). The resolution of the map and our use of cryo-EM, rather than negative stain EM, reveals detailed information about the internal organization of the assembly. We could separate the map into segments corresponding to subunits A and B, the threefold pseudosymmetric C-subunit, a central rotor consisting of subunits D and F, the L-ring, the stator subcomplex consisting of subunits I, E, and G, and a micelle of bound detergent. The architecture of the V O region shows a remarkably small area of contact between the I-subunit and the ring of L-subunits and is consistent with a two half-channel model for proton translocation. The arrangement of structural elements in V O gives insight into the mechanism of torque generation from proton translocation. membrane protein | single particle analysis V acuolar-type ATPases (V-ATPases) in eukaryotes function as ATP-driven proton pumps that acidify intracellular compartments including lysosomes, endosomes, and secretory vesicles. This acidification, in turn, affects diverse processes including protein sorting and degradation, overall ion homeostasis, and protection of cells from oxidative stress (1). Extracellular acidification by V-ATPases is linked to tumor invasion and metastasis and osteoporosis (2). F-type ATP synthases and V-type ATPases are evolutionarily related but differ in the details of subunit composition and arrangement. Both F-and V-type ATPases use a rotary catalytic mechanism where proton translocation through the membranebound F O or V O region, respectively, generates a torque on a rotor subcomplex that drives ATP synthesis in the F 1 or V 1 region. The enzymes can also run in the opposite direction with ATP hydrolysis in the F 1 or V 1 region resulting in proton pumping through F O or V O . This mechanism has been the subject of a large body of research for F-type ATP synthases (e.g., 3-5), but there has also been direct demonstration of rotary catalysis for V-ATPases (6). Some archaea and eubacteria use a complex more closely related to VATPase than F-type ATP synthase, sometimes called an A-ATPase, to generate their supply of ATP (7).The V-ATPase from the eubacterium Thermus thermophilus is composed of nine different subunits with a stoichiometry of A 3 B 3 CDE 2 FG 2 IL 12 (Fig. S1). Subunit nomenclature for this family of enzymes differs between F-and V-type complexes and from organism to organism. Where the eukaryotic ATP synthase F 1 catalytic region consists of α 3 β 3 γδε, the V-ATPase V 1 catalytic region consists of B 3 A 3 DF with no equivalent of the ε-subunit. The catalytic A-subunit of V-ATPase is homologous to the F-type ATP synthas...