DOI: 10.1111/j.1439-0531.2004.00487.x
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Repeatability and Heritability of Ovulation Number and Embryos in Dam‐daughters Pairs in Superovulated Holstein–Friesian Cows

Abstract: Holstein-Friesian dams (n = 28) and daughters (n = 28) were superovulated (total number of observations was 235) to determine the repeatability and heritability of ovulation number and embryo collection result for FSH treatment. The donor cows were superovulated with FSHp, artificial insemination was performed and embryo collection was carried out 7 days later. For the analysis, the raw corpdata of the number of corpora lutea (CL), the number of collected embryos (EM) and their log-transformed values were used… Show more

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Cited by 18 publications
(15 citation statements)
References 13 publications
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“…In this study, the treatment of animals with a progestagen (fluorogestone acetate (FGA)), a short while after ovulation, most likely led to an increase in the production of transferable embryos and to improve the repeatability by reducing the deleterious effect of the early regression of CL on embryos (Cervantes et al 2007). The observed high within-animal repeatability indicated that embryo production capacity is intrinsically dependent on the donor goat and agrees with data obtained for cows (Tonhati et al 1999, Asada & Terawaki 2002, Benyei et al 2004, Peixoto et al 2004, Monniaux et al 2010 and sheep (Ptak et al 2003).…”
Section: Discussionsupporting
confidence: 81%
“…In this study, the treatment of animals with a progestagen (fluorogestone acetate (FGA)), a short while after ovulation, most likely led to an increase in the production of transferable embryos and to improve the repeatability by reducing the deleterious effect of the early regression of CL on embryos (Cervantes et al 2007). The observed high within-animal repeatability indicated that embryo production capacity is intrinsically dependent on the donor goat and agrees with data obtained for cows (Tonhati et al 1999, Asada & Terawaki 2002, Benyei et al 2004, Peixoto et al 2004, Monniaux et al 2010 and sheep (Ptak et al 2003).…”
Section: Discussionsupporting
confidence: 81%
“…Ces observations sont cohé rentes avec la trè s bonne ré pé tabilité des nombres de follicules en croissance, observé e lors du suivi de vagues folliculaires successives par é chographie ovarienne [17]. Elles sont aussi cohé rentes avec l'existence d'une bonne ré pé tabilité individuelle des ré ponses ovariennes à des traitements de stimulation par FSH chez les bovins [18,19]. Le niveau endocrinien d'AMH, stable pendant plusieurs mois pour une même vache, serait donc un marqueur fiable de l'activité ovarienne intrinsè que de chaque individu.…”
Section: [ ( F I G _ 3 ) T D $ F I G ]unclassified
“…Plusieurs é tudes anté rieures ont dé jà mentionné l'existence d'une bonne hé ritabilité du nombre d'embryons collecté s, avec des estimations de la valeur de ce paramè tre variant entre 0,11 et 0,34 [19,[24][25][26][27][28] ; en revanche, l'hé ritabilité du nombre d'embryons transfé rables est plus faible, suggé rant un rô le plus important des facteurs environnementaux dans le dé terminisme de la qualité embryonnaire. En particulier, une sous-alimentation et, à l'inverse, un excè s d'apport alimentaire sont connus pour affecter la qualité de l'ovocyte et compromettre la viabilité de l'embryon chez les bovins [29,30] mais les mé canismes sous-jacents restent encore trè s mal connus.…”
Section: Hormone Antimü Llé Rienne Et Production D'embryonsunclassified
“…The changes in ovarian response have been found to be related with differences in superstimulatory treatments such as total dose, duration and timing of treatment, and the use of additional hormones in the treatment protocol (38,39). Additional factors for the differences in ovarian response might be the genetic of the animal and its environment (3), dietary intake (46), breed (1,9,42), season (33), age (27,29), ovarian status at the time of the treatment (5, 18) and the effects of repeated superstimulations (30). It has been reported that application of FSH in various forms and ways other than im injection can induce superovulatory response and subcunaneous fat amount is considered to be a determinant factor in cattle (10,25).…”
Section: Discussionmentioning
confidence: 99%