The turnover rates of some mRNAs vary by an order of magnitude or more when cells change their growth pattern or differentiate. To identify regulatory factors that might be responsible for this variability, we investigated how cytosolic fractions affect mRNA decay in an in vitro system. A 130,000 x g supernatant (S130) from the cytosol of exponentially growing erythroleukemia cells contains a destabilizer that accelerates the decay of polysome-bound c-myc mRNA by eightfold or more compared with reactions lacking S130. The destabilizer is deficient in or absent from the S130 of cycloheximide-treated cells, indicating that it is labile or is repressed when translation is blocked. It is not a generic RNase, because it does not affect the turnover of 8-globin, -y-globin, or histone mRNA and does not destabilize a major portion of polysomal polyadenylated mRNA. The destabilizer accelerates the turnover of the c-myc mRNA 3' region, as well as subsequent 3'-to-5' degradation of the mRNA body. It is inactivated in vitro by mild heating and by micrococcal nuclease, suggesting that it contains a nucleic acid component. c-myb mRNA is also destabilized in S130-supplemented in vitro reactions. These results imply that the stability of some mRNAs is regulated by cytosolic factors that are not associated with polysomes. mRNA levels can be regulated by changing not only gene transcription rates but also mRNA turnover rates, and the half-lives of some mRNAs can vary by an order of magnitude or more (reviewed in references 55, 56, and 63). Such variations apparently make up part of the normal pleiotropic respbnse to cell proliferation and differentiation factors and usually involve only a subset of mRNAs.The apparent rationale for regulating mRNA stability is to provide alternate posttranscriptional pathways for controlling the levels of subsets of mRNAs. For example, mRNAs like c-myc mRNA, whose products are thought to influence cell replication, are usually relatively unstable, with halflives of -1 h (2, 13). As a result of their intrinsic instability, even modest changes in their turnover rates affect their steady-state levels over a relatively short time. This sort of short-term regulation might ensure that the quantities of these mRNAs per cell are maintained within a very limited range. The necessity for such precise regulation is consistent with the finding that inappropriate expression of these and other mRNAs and their protein products can interfere with cell replication and differentiation (1,7,12,30,31,39,47). mRNAs whose decay rates seem to be regulated include those expressed from proto-oncogenes (13,15,20,35,41,72); genes related to cell division, including the histones (reviewed in reference 36); acute-phase response and inflammatory response genes (3, 19); interferon genes (80); heat shock protein genes (65, 71); and developmentally regulated gehes (16,62,73).Since the turnover rates of so many mRNAs vary, it is important to identify and characterize putative stabilityregulating factors. We and others have develop...