“…In the performance appraisal literature, job attitudes, such as organizational commitment, have also been shown to relate to the quality of supervisor ratings. For example, affective commitment has related positively with rating level (Tziner et al, 1998(Tziner et al, , 2001Tziner & Murphy, 1999), both positively (Tziner et al, 2001;Tziner & Murphy, 1999) and negatively (Tziner et al, 1998) with rater ability to discriminate among ratees, and positively with rater ability to discriminate between performance dimensions (Tziner et al, 2001). Similarly, organizational climate has related positively with rating level (Tziner et al, 1998) and negatively with rater ability to discriminate among ratees (Tziner et al, 1998(Tziner et al, , 2001).…”