We study the geometry of positive cones of left-invariant total orders (left-order, for short) in finitely generated groups. We introduce the Hucha property and the Prieto property for left-orderable groups. We say that a group has the Hucha property if in any left-order the corresponding positive cone is not coarsely connected, and the Prieto property if in any left-order the corresponding positive cone is coarsely connected. We show that all leftorderable free products have the Hucha property, and that the Hucha property is stable under certain free products with amalgamatation over Prieto subgroups. As an application we show that non-abelian limit groups in the sense of Z. Sela (e.g., free groups, fundamental group of hyperbolic surfaces, doubles of free groups and others) and non-abelian finitely generated subgroups of free ℚ-groups in the sense of G. Baumslag have the Hucha property. In particular, this implies that these groups have empty BNS-invariant Σ 1 and that they do not have finitely generated positive cones.