“…Congenital rectal atresia is a rare malformation manifested as part of the dysmorphic syndromes, 9 such as CHARGE (coloboma, heart anomaly, choanal atresia, retardation, genital and ear anomaly) syndrome, Ehlers -Danlos syndrome type IV 10 and ectodactylyectodermal dysplasia -clefting (EEC) syndrome. 11 Because Harris et al concluded that CHARGE syndrome should be restricted to infants with multiple malformation and choanal atresia and/or coloboma combined with other cardinal malformation (heart, ear, and genital) and with a total of at least three cardinal malfor-mation, 12 the present patient, who did not have choanal atresia or coloboma, could not be regarded as having CHARGE syndrome. Ehlers -Danlos syndrome and EEC syndrome were also unlikely diagnoses.…”