Previous investigations of distributed-roughness boundary-layer trips indicated that they are superior to spherical-type trips in that equally effective distributed-roughness trips are one-fifth as high and produce substantially smaller flowfield disturbances. The present work has expanded the data base, permitting correlation of distributed-roughness tripping data. The correlation thus developed includes a wide range of Reynolds numbers, cone angles, and trip heights. Plots are provided that permit the selection of distributed-roughness trips without the need of boundary-layer solutions.
Nomenclaturek = trip element height, in. M^ = freestream Mach number P E = pressure at the end of the roughness area (s/r,, =5), psia P' 0 = freestream pitot pressure, psia p^ = freestream pressure, psia q^ = freestream dynamic pressure, psia Re eQ = Reynolds number based on boundary-layer edge conditions and momentum thickness Re er -Reynolds number based on boundary-layer edge conditions and model nose radius Re^/ft = Reynolds number based on freestream conditions and a 1 ft length Re^> r = Reynolds number based on freestream conditions and model nose radius r b = model base radius, in. r n = model nose radius, in. s = surface distance along the model measured from the stagnation point, in. T e = temperature at the edge of the boundary layer,°R T 0oo = freestream total temperature, °R T™ = model wall temperature, °R r^ = freestream temperature, °R X = Mayne's correlation parameter, see Eq. (3) 6 = boundary-layer momentum thickness, in. O c = model cone half-angle, deg X = PANT correlation parameter, see Eq. (1) X^ = modified PANT correlation parameter evaluated at the sonic point, see Eq. (5) Subscripts critical = value of the parameter needed to bring transition t up to or near the trip = at the end of transition Superscript = evaluated at the sonic point