“…More precisely, Bernstein and Reznikov considered the subconvexity problem in the spectral parameter aspect and established a subconvex bound for the central value L π φ ⊗ π φ ⊗ π φ , 1 2 of the triple product L-function associated to three Hecke-Maass cusp forms (over Q), two of which (φ and φ , say) are fixed and the remaining one (φ) has large Laplacian eigenvalue. In a different direction, A. Venkatesh considered the subconvexity problem in the level aspect for automorphic L-functions over a general number field F .Amongst other cases, he obtained subconvex bounds for the standard L-function L(π, s), the Rankin-Selberg L-function L(π ⊗ π , s), and the central value of the triple product Lfunction L π ⊗ π ⊗ π , 1 2 , where π and π are some fixed cuspidal automorphic representations of GL 2 (A F ) and π is a cuspidal automorphic representation of GL 2 (A F ) with large conductor and trivial central character: in particular, these bounds generalize, to any number field, the subconvex bounds obtained in [DFI93,DFI94a,KMV02]. The proof of these new subconvexity cases build on soft but powerful methods which are very different from the ones developed so far: indeed these methods are geometric in nature, and rely on the expression of the central values of automorphic L-functions in terms of periods of automorphic forms; then, the subconvexity problem becomes tantamount to bounding non-trivially these periods.…”