It is crucial to design quantum circuits as small as possible and as shallow as possible for quantum information processing tasks. Quantum circuits are designed with simplified gate‐count, cost, and depth for implementing quantum teleportation among various entangled channels. Here, the gate‐count/cost/depth of the Greenberger‐Horne‐Zeilinger‐based quantum teleportation is reduced from 10/6/8 to 9/4/6, the two‐qubit‐cluster‐based quantum teleportation is reduced from 9/4/5 to 6/3/5, the three‐qubit‐cluster‐based quantum teleportation is reduced from 12/6/7 to 8/4/5, the Brown‐based quantum teleportation is reduced from 25/15/17 to 18/8/7, the Borras‐based quantum teleportation is reduced from 36/25/20 to 15/8/11, and the entanglement‐swapping‐based quantum teleportation is reduced from 13/8/8 to 10/5/5. Note that, no feed‐forward recover operation is required in the simplified schemes. Moreover, the experimentally demonstrations on IBM quantum computer indicate that the simplified and compressed schemes can be realized with good fidelity.