We study the influence of atomic interactions on quantum simulations in momentum-space lattices (MSLs), where driven atomic transitions between discrete momentum states mimic transport between sites of a synthetic lattice. Low energy atomic collisions, which are short ranged in real space, relate to nearly infinite-ranged interactions in momentum space. However, the distinguishability of the discrete momentum states coupled in MSLs gives rise to an added exchange energy between condensate atoms in different momentum orders, relating to an effectively attractive, finite-ranged interaction in momentum space. We explore the types of phenomena that can result from this interaction, including the formation of chiral self-bound states in topological MSLs. We also discuss the prospects for creating squeezed states in momentum-space double wells.Quantum simulation with ultracold atoms [1,2] has been a powerful tool in the study of many-body physics and nonequilibrium dynamics. There has been recent interest in extending quantum simulation studies from real-space potentials to synthetic lattice systems composed of discrete internal [3,4] or external [5] states. These synthetic dimensions enable many unique capabilities for quantum simulation, including new approaches to engineering nontrivial topology [4,6], access to higher dimensions [3], and potential insensitivity to finite motional temperature.The recent development of momentum-space lattices (MSLs), based on the use of discrete momentum states as effective sites, has introduced a fully synthetic approach to simulating lattice dynamics [7][8][9][10][11]. As compared to partially synthetic systems [12,13], fully synthetic lattices offer complete microscopic control of system parameters. While this level of control is analogous to that found in photonic simulators [14,15], matter waves of atoms can interact strongly with one another.However, fully synthetic systems also present apparent challenges for studying nontrivial atomic interactions. Synthetic systems based purely on internal states suffer from limited state spaces, sensitivity to external noise for generic, field-sensitive states [16], and possible collisional relaxation [17] and three-body losses [18]. Furthermore, for isotropic scattering lengths as in 87 Rb [16] and alkaline earth atoms [19], interactions in the synthetic dimension are nearly all-to-all. Similarly, s-wave contact interactions relate to nearly infinite-ranged momentumspace interactions at low energy, and should naively be decoupled from particle dynamics in MSLs.Here, we investigate the role of atomic interactions in MSLs, showing that finite-ranged interactions in momentum space result from the exchange energy of bosonic condensate atoms in distinguishable momentum states. We explore potential interaction-driven phenomena that can be studied in topological MSLs, showing that chiral propagating bound states can emerge in the presence of an artificial magnetic flux. We additionally discuss the use of momentum-space double wells for the gener...