Isolation of mutants in populations of microorganisms has been a valuable tool in
experimental genetics for decades. The main disadvantage, however, is the
inability of isolating mutants in non-selectable polygenic traits. Most traits
of organisms, however, are non-selectable and polygenic, including industrially
important properties of microorganisms. The advent of powerful technologies for
polygenic analysis of complex traits has allowed simultaneous identification of
multiple causative mutations among many thousands of irrelevant mutations. We
now show that this also applies to haploid strains of which the genome has been
loaded with induced mutations so as to affect as many non-selectable, polygenic
traits as possible. We have introduced about 900 mutations into single haploid
yeast strains using multiple rounds of EMS mutagenesis, while maintaining the
mating capacity required for genetic mapping. We screened the strains for
defects in flavor production, an important non-selectable, polygenic trait in
yeast alcoholic beverage production. A haploid strain with multiple induced
mutations showing reduced ethyl acetate production in semi-anaerobic
fermentation, was selected and the underlying quantitative trait loci (QTLs)
were mapped using pooled-segregant whole-genome sequence analysis after crossing
with an unrelated haploid strain. Reciprocal hemizygosity analysis and allele
exchange identified PMA1 and CEM1 as causative
mutant alleles and TPS1 as a causative genetic background
allele. The case of CEM1 revealed that relevant mutations
without observable effect in the haploid strain with multiple induced mutations
(in this case due to defective mitochondria) can be identified by polygenic
analysis as long as the mutations have an effect in part of the segregants (in
this case those that regained fully functional mitochondria). Our results show
that genomic saturation mutagenesis combined with complex trait polygenic
analysis could be used successfully to identify causative alleles underlying
many non-selectable, polygenic traits in small collections of haploid strains
with multiple induced mutations.