“…M. barbatus had a clear preference for the areas where the shelf became wider, and M. surmuletus was more abundant and frequent in narrow shelf areas. Gharbi & Ktari 1981a, Morales-Nin 1986, feeding (Gharbi & Ktari 1979, Golani & Galil 1991, Golani 1994, Labropoulou & Eleftheriou 1997, biological and fishery aspects (Suau & Vives 1957, Tortonese 1975, Gharbi & Ktari 1981b, Sánchez et al 1983, 1995, Reñones et al 1995, morphological characters (Bougis 1952, Tortonese 1975, Aguirre 1997, Labropoulou & Eleftheriou 1997, Lombarte & Aguirre 1997, Aguirre & Lombarte 1999, and electrophoretical and genetical aspects (Arias & Morales 1977, Basaglia & Callegarini 1988, Camarata et al 1991, Vitturi et al 1992, Mamuris et al 1998. Although the different habitat preferences of each species are mentioned in these examinations, quantitative studies of the interspecific differences based on a comparison of abiotic aspects of the ecological niche do not exist, except for Golani (1994), which provides a bathymetric comparison.…”