SUMMARY1. The characteristics have been examined of the high threshold calcium channel current in cultured rat dorsal root ganglion (DRG) neurones recorded in the presence of guanosine-5'-O-(3-thiotriphosphate) (GTPyS; 200 ,UM in the patch pipette). This current, termed IBa, GTPyS' was slowly activating and showed little inactivation over 100 ms.2. External application of forskolin (10 ,UM) to elevate internal cyclic AMP levels increased the amplitude of IBa, GTPyS whereas it had no effect on the control IBa. This effect was prevented by inclusion in the patch pipette of the peptide inhibitor of cyclic AMP-dependent protein kinase (PKI; 25 ,tM). 5. The 'agonist' response of IBa, GTPyS to D600 (10 fM) was also occluded by application of forskolin (10 /,M) in the patch pipette. Forskolin alone, applied in this manner, increased IBa, GTPyS to a similar extent to D600 applied alone.6. The agonist effect of ( + )-202-791 (5 /tM) on IBa, GTPyS was not prevented by prior enhancement with forskolin, nor was it prevented by PKI.7. In conclusion, internal GTPyS activates G proteins which may interact directly with calcium channels to influence the kinetics of activation and to reduce steadystate inactivation of the channels. There is also an indirect effect on the generation