DOI: 10.1596/1813-9450-5471
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Protecting child nutritional status in the aftermath of a financial crisis: evidence from Indonesia

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Cited by 9 publications
(9 citation statements)
References 6 publications
(9 reference statements)
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“…103 Even when targeted towards overall household subsistence, aid during disasters can prevent major deteriorations in child undernutrition. 104,105 Agebased targeting of fortifi ed foods can help prevent undernutrition and complement eff orts to tackle cases of severe acute malnutrition with specially formulated products. The nutritional eff ects of emergency deliveries can be Social safety nets can reduce poverty and increase use of health and education services.…”
Section: Transfer Programmes In Emergenciesmentioning
confidence: 99%
“…103 Even when targeted towards overall household subsistence, aid during disasters can prevent major deteriorations in child undernutrition. 104,105 Agebased targeting of fortifi ed foods can help prevent undernutrition and complement eff orts to tackle cases of severe acute malnutrition with specially formulated products. The nutritional eff ects of emergency deliveries can be Social safety nets can reduce poverty and increase use of health and education services.…”
Section: Transfer Programmes In Emergenciesmentioning
confidence: 99%
“…It is empirically reported food insecurity can cause economic and political instability. Lack of food intake at individual level will influence their health and productivity, which is observable in the short term, while in the long run this condition will affect the quality of human resources (Giles & Satriawan 2015). Every country is trying to make the best food security system.…”
Section: Effect Of Proportion Of Household Expenditure On Foodmentioning
confidence: 99%
“…Thus, intake of energy in the form of carbohydrates for the poor has increased. Increased energy will impact on the productivity increase of the poor households (Thomas et al, 2006) as well as the improvement of children's health (Giles & Satriawan, 2015). Therefore, Raskin program needs to be continued because it provides great benefits for the poor in the present and future (through the outcomes of children of poor households).…”
Section: Conclusion Implication Sugges-tion and Limitationsmentioning
confidence: 99%
“…Other strategies such as selling assets when prices are low or reducing investment in nutrition or schooling can contribute to poverty traps (Carter and Barrett, 2006). Some programs that have successfully protect investments have been designed explicitly as a response to shocks such as Indonesia's scholarship program designed in the wake of the 1997-8 economic crisis (Cameron, 2009) or that country's efforts to protect nutrition (Giles and Satriawan, 2010). But other programs that are more broadly designed to address chronic poverty may also protect assets or investments.…”
Section: Safety Nets and Riskmentioning
confidence: 99%