The efficient numerical solution of the one-phase linear inverse Stefan and Cauchy-Stefan problems is a delicate task owing to the problems' susceptibility to the perturbation of the given data. In this context, heuristic a posteriori error indicators are constructed for such inverse problems with noisy data in two dimensions (2D). Given a fixed computational effort, the estimator controls the error due to discretization by the method of fundamental solution (MFS). It is accomplished through two mean-driven double-filtering algorithms. Numerical results substantiate the effectiveness of the algorithms.
K E Y W O R D Sa posteriori error indicator, Cauchy-Stefan problem, error control, filtering algorithms, method of fundamental solution, one-phase linear inverse Stefan problem
INTRODUCTIONStefan problems or phase-change problems (e.g., freezing of water and food, 1 solidification of metals, 2 crystal growth, 3 casting, 4-6 welding, 7 melting, 8 and ablation 9 ) belong to a class of movingboundary problems, in which the interface between the liquid and solid is unknown a priori and needs to be identified as a part of the solution. Assuming the thermal properties of the heatconducting body along with the initial and boundary conditions are known, the direct Stefan problem entails finding both the temperature and the moving-boundary interface. Conversely,