In the past, gallium-67 imaging has undergone several ups and downs related to its clinical importance. After a period of initial enthusiasm, its role and indications are now established. At present, there are two fields of clinical interest for 67Ga-imaging: (1)mediastinal staging in bronchogenic carcinoma and the staging of malignant lymphoma; (2) assessment of activity in interstitial lung diseases, especially sarcoidosis and inflammatory lung disorders. The advantage of 67Ga-imaging is that it is highly sensitive for the detection of neoplastic and inflammatory processes, independent of anatomical barriers. Particularly with the challenge of AIDS, 67Ga-imaging will gain increasing importance in the future. The low specificity of gallium for detecting underlying disorders precludes its use as a primary diagnostic tool. Therefore, and because of the cost and radiation load, the indications for application will have to be selected very carefully.