“…Without fixed anatomical landmark, the term is used to designate the gathering of IPL and STG (e. g. Corbetta and Shulman 2011) or the part of IPL next to the junction with the temporal lobe (i. e. without STG; e. g. Karnath et al 2009, Karnath andRorden 2012). on wheel-chair navigation (Jacquin-Courtois et al, 2008), postural control (Nijboer et al, 2014), mental imagery (Rode et al, 2001, haptic spatial judgments (McIntosh et al, 2002), accuracy and response times in pre-attentive visual search (Saevarsson et al, 2009), tactile attention (Maravita et al, 2003), and auditory extinction (Jacquin-Courtois et al, 2010) as well as activities much closer to daily living, such as picture scanning, telephone dialing, and coin and card sorting (Frassinetti et al, 2002). Visuo-constructive disorders and spatial dysgraphia have also been improved by rightward PA , as was temporal order judgment .…”