“…This model postulates that the plus-strand leader is transcribed by the replicase from a full-length minus-strand antigenome and that the leader then 'falls off' the template and reassociates at complementary sites in intergenic regions downstream in the minus-strand template acting as primer for continued transcription. The 3' end of the leader sequence in genomic MHV RNA is composed of two or three repeated 5' UCUAA 3' heptanucleotides followed by a consensus 5' UCUAAAC 3' sequence and two or three repeats of the same or closely related segments are found upstream of the initiation codon of every ORF (Baric et al, 1983;Makino et al, 1986Makino et al, , 1988Makino et al, , 1991Shieh et al, 1987;Spaan et al, 1988;Lai, 1990). For example, the intergenic segment preceding ORF 7 of MHV A59 contains an 18 nucleotide long segment that is identical to the 5' leader sequence.…”