“…In a number of these models, engraftment, reconstitution, chimerism, cell trafficking, and tolerance toward donor cells has been studied (Clancy et al, 1983; Oaks and Cramer, 1985; Ohajekwe et al, 1995; Engh et al, 2001; Foster et al, 2001; Okayama et al, 2004; Itakura et al, 2007; Klimczak et al, 2007; Nestvold et al, 2008; Zhou et al, 2008; Zhu et al, 2011; Zinöcker et al, 2011a;Lin et al, 2012). Furthermore, rat models have been employed to test prevention or treatment of GvHD by therapeutic regimens involving immunomodulatory drugs (Tutschka et al, 1979; Vogelsang et al, 1986; Vogelsang et al, 1988; Mrowka et al, 1994; Ohajekwe et al, 1995; Pakkala et al, 2001; Okayama et al, 2006; Wolff et al, 2006; Jäger et al, 2007), infusion or induction of various suppressive cell types (Itakura et al, 2007; Aksu et al, 2008; Nestvold et al, 2008; Kitazawa et al, 2010; Zinöcker et al, 2011b; Kitazawa et al, 2012; Zinöcker et al, 2012), UV irradiation (Ohajekwe et al, 1995; Gowing et al, 1998), serum transfusion (Shimizu et al, 1997), surgical techniques (Kobayashi et al, 1998), and prolonged distribution of a chemical agent with subcutaneously implanted osmotic pumps (Fidler et al, 1993). …”